Monthly Archives: October 2012

Kayla-Big Project=DONE!!!


I finally finished the hats for my Awana girls. We only ended up having to do 20, so that was only 10 a piece for each of us. I finished my 10 (I still have one more for one of the teens) and I am so happy to have them done so early! I think thy look great.

Here is my newest one. Pretty boring in the front, but here is the back….

Caleb says it needs more tassels so that some of them hang in the front. What do you think?

20121029-230756.jpg and here they all are! Not to bad! 🙂

Kayla- Hubby’s Birthday Dinner-recipe


Ok so I found this recipe on Pintrest. I thought it would be a good one to try for my husband’s birthday because he likes smoked sausage. It is in the oven right now. I thought It wasn’t to hard, but as I was rereading the recipe (after I put it in the oven) I realized I missed a step. It wasn’t in the instructions list, it was on the ingredient list. I missed that the potatoes were supposed to be precook end. 😦 hopefully it turns out! Anyway here is what I did.

I used 4 small potatoes, I didn’t really measure it, but I think it was pretty close to what the recipe called for. Then I put them in the 2 qt casserole dish.

I used 1 package of 14 oz Eckrich smoked sausage.

20121029-183818.jpg I cooked the sausage for about 15 minutes.

Then I added it to the potatoes.

Mix all the ingredients and put them on the stove stirring constantly and the poured it over the potatoes and the sausage.

Like this.

Add the cheese and put it in the oven for 35-45 minutes.

It’s that easy. I am still waiting for it to finish cooking, so I will let you know how it turned out. 🙂

Update: the potatoes aren’t too bad. They may need to be slightly cooked beforehand, but overall it is very good.



I am on vacation this week!!!! Actually it is a staycation. We don’t get to go anywhere. We are taking this week to get our house really clean. Today is my husband’s birthday and I feel bad that we are spending the whole day cleaning. I did make him breakfast and I will make him a yummy dinner.

I also want to use my time off to finish the hats for the AWANA girls. I am working on the last one for the girls. We have a couple of teens helping out and I want to make something for each one of the too.

20121029-131429.jpg. This is the latest hat. My husband doesn’t like the flower, he thinks it needs to be flatter, but I like it.

I will also be sending out packages to Virginia and Emilee this week. I can’t wait for them to get the stuff for their little girls!!

Kayla-Special Hats


I have been working on some hats for Emilee and and a dress for Virginia. Both are expecting mommies. 🙂 both of them are having little girls, who unfortunately suffer from Anenecephaly. Emilee requested white and pink hats and wanted one with a ribbon and one with a butterfly. Here is what I came up with.





Virginia said to surprise her, so this is what I came up with.



Kayla-More hats!


I have been trying to get more of the hats for Christmas done. I had to go buy yarn last weekend and spent about $80. I am hoping that gives me enough yarn to finish up! I have 8 finished hats I think, so only 22 left! I hope our girls like them.

20121017-104348.jpg One of our girls 2 favorite colors are orange and green. I thought this looked like a pumpkin, but when I added the flower it looked a little less like a pumpkin.

20121017-104518.jpg The flower on this was supposed to be a blue flower with a little purple, but when I put it together, you can barely see the blue! Oh well it doesn’t look too bad.

20121017-104646.jpg I want to keep this hat, it actually looked good on me, but one of our girl’s favorite color is red, so this one is hers.

20121017-104825.jpg. This hat is for little Kennedy. I was trying to make an adult sized hat, but I didn’t have enough yarn. I think it will look cute on her. 🙂

Kayla-Rough Week


I haven’t crocheted much this week. I have had a rough week and can’t seem to get motivated to crochet. One of my Anencephaly mommies had her baby, Caleb, this week and as much as I am happy for them, they got to meet him and he lived for an hour and 45 minutes, it still makes me sad. My friend Amber lost her nephew, Carter, this week too. He was a baby and had an infection. They couldn’t help him. There was no joy in that situation. It is weird, but we can find joy in the babies we know have Anencephaly and in the time we get to spend with them. But as far as I know Carter was born healthy and this was totally unexpected and so sad. I didn’t know either of these babies personally, but I know Amber, and I went to school with Carter’s dad and my heart breaks for them. I made hats and booties and a little jacket for Caleb and I got to know his mom a little bit. She was very sweet. I just feel so sad for them.


20121012-124758.jpg This is the set I made for baby Caleb.

20121012-125029.jpg This is the hat I made for Baby Carter. I didn’t even get to send it to him.

Onto a happier note, Brooke and I are going yarn shopping tomorrow and possibly to the Covered Bridge Festival tomorrow. That should be a lot of fun and we can start back up on the hats for our Awana girls. We only have 26 more to go… It shouldn’t take too long. At least I hope it doesn’t! Why can’t these girls like baby colors? I have tons of baby colored yarn! Oh we’ll, it will be fun. 🙂

Kayla-Baby dress


This is the dress that I have been working on for the last couple of days. I am not crazy about the colors, but it is still pretty cute. For the top I followed the pattern, but it turned out way too small so I modified the back a little…well a lot since it was supposed to be crocheted in the round, but it is pretty cute. 🙂 the bottom was supposed to be something called the thistle stitch, but I couldn’t find a tutorial on how to do that on YouTube, so I just used a half double crochet an I think it worked out just fine.



20121009-105148.jpg it is a little big on my doll, but it gives you an idea of how it will look. 🙂 I am thinking of making a headband to go with the dress but I haven’t decided yet.

Now all I need is some yarn so I can start working on our hat project for Christmas!!! I need bright colors, not baby colors! I have four done 26 more to go….

Kayla-Baby blanket and head band


I have been working on a blanket for my friend for a couple of weeks. I hate blankets! 🙂 she does photography and she needed a blanket for both the boys and girls. I made a blue one a couple of weeks ago and this pink one is for the girls. 🙂 I also made a matching headband as well. The border of the blanket was made up by me. It took me forever, but it is finally done and here are my results.


20121007-143129.jpg. Brooke taught me the bow. It is removable. 🙂



20121007-143321.jpg I made the flower up myself. It was pretty easy. 🙂