New haircut and a new project


I just realized that I have not posted in a while. It was a busy week last week. I FINALLY started my period which was awful and painful and I hurt so bad that if the other lady wasn’t on vacation I would have stayed home for at least 2 of those days. It didn’t last long though, 4 days and it was over.

Also PCOS related. My hair has been falling out like crazy so I went to get it cut on Thursday and I was able to donate it to Locks of Love. I got 12 inches cut off with to start with and maybe another 3-4 inches to cut it the way I wanted. The lady who cuts my hair is awesome. I told her that I wanted a short haircut, but that I was uncomfortable without hair to cover my face. So she went to town and I now have an awesome haircut! When she was cutting my hair she told me that I was going to have curly hair. I have never had curly hair, so I was a little skeptical about how curly it would really be. It has a great pretty curl to it now. I love it!!




And after….


Dana is so talented! 🙂 I love my new hair, straight or curly.

This week, I started making iPhone carting cases. I used my phone a a guide and made 8 of them over the last week. I still have half of them left. They are $10. I think they turned out really well. The pattern is super easy too, so if you would like me to post the pattern, let me know!



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