Monthly Archives: December 2014

Family update


It has been a long couple of weeks starting with Thanksgiving. We had a great meal and a good time hanging out with family. We went home and relaxed and we’re watching tv when my husband’s stomach started hurting. It got really bad very quickly. 20 minutes after the pain started we were on our way to the ER. We were afraid that one of his internal incisions had split open or something. The doctor asked us why we came in when he hadn’t been hurting that long. Then he looked at his chart and realized why we were concerned. He actually thought that Something had split open or that he had a tumor or cancer. It turns out that he had a small kidney stone. It was very late at night and I couldn’t get baby J to sleep even though I was wearing him and that usually works. When he finally did fall asleep he would cry every time I tried to sit down. So I had to stand for several hours!


The next day my husband was feeling better, we tried hydrangea pills from our local health store (the lady who owns the store swore by them) and he barely felt it pass. He said it stung a little. I think we had that day where he was feeling better and Baby J and I were fine, but the next day Baby J got sick and was running a fever and he threw up a few times. 😦 my poor baby. I wanted to cry for him. That afternoon I spiked a fever and threw up.




The next day we were feeling a little better. There were no more fevers or vomiting, but my husband had developed a cough. He didn’t feel really bad, but just had a deep cough. I went to work on Monday feeling mostly fine, just a little scratchy throat. By the end of the day I was miserable. My entire body ached and I felt like I had a really really bad cold with a fever. I stayed home from work the next two days after I was diagnosed with the flu. My husband stayed home Wednesday too because he caught it full on like I did. We were miserable. Thankfully all baby J got from this was a little cough. He went to stay the day with his Nana Joyce while we stayed home sick. By Thursday we were feeling a bit better and went back to work. I wasn’t 100% until Saturday. Thankfully we are all healthy now! 🙂




My little guy is growing up too fast!! The last three nights he has slept through the night! There are some concerns about his weight again, though. He hasn’t even gained a pound since his 4 month appointment, se we have started him on a bottle of soy formula in addition to the breast milk he is getting and the solids he gets once or twice a day.

Mini pregnancy update: I feel pretty good this time around. I don’t have the headaches like last time. I do, however, have a lot of nausea and heartburn. I have lost 6 pounds in a week! But I can’t complain, I haven’t had any bleeding this time around either! 🙂 we really are not sure when I am due, my lmp puts me at July 1st, my ultrasound puts me at July 15th, and the size of my uterus puts me somewhere in between! I guess we will just be surprised!