Monthly Archives: March 2015

WIP, what am I making? 


I have a huge stash of yarn that I am trying to reduce before baby girl gets here, so I have been making lots of little dresses, but I am tired of dresses for now. Looking through my yarn, I have quite a bit of brown and I paired real and pink with it to make something new. I searched for a pattern and found something I liked. Here is a sneak peak at it, can you guess what it is?  


Baby L’s First Sunday Morning Dress


I found a dress pattern on YouTube and it was so cute that I had to try it out. It turned out beautifully! I didn’t follow the pattern 100%, the sleeves and bottom of the dress are different and my friend is going to add a little tulle underskirt so it will be very poofy. I made my own flower and the curly cue things because she didn’t leave a pattern for those. If you are interested in the pattern for the flower, just comment here and I will post a pattern. 🙂 I can’t wait to meet this little girl and to dress her up!


First Outfits for Baby Girl


Right after we found out that we were having a little girl, we went to kohls and I bought a few outfits for her, but I was so excited to make something for her. I have made 2 dresses for her and on for a friend’s baby. I found the pattern on YouTube and it was so easy that I watched the video once and then made the first outfit and then tweaked the pattern a little for the next two dresses. 🙂 

Here is the first. 

Here is the second one I made for my friend’s baby. The dress is supposed to be worked in rounds, but I wanted to add a button so I did the straps differently and worked the dress in rounds. 

The dress really is a very light purple and navy, not pink. My camera doesn’t take very good pictures. 

And this one I am thinking of pairing with leggings, cowgirl boots and a jean jacket. I worked the top just as the pattern said, but I added a round where I could weave a ribbon through because I thought it would look so cute!