Category Archives: Crochet

Summery Infant Mesh Hat


I wanted to make a summery hat for a newborn, so I came up with my own pattern for a mesh hat.  This pattern is very stretchy, so even though it looks really small it should stretch to fit more than one head size.  It is also easily adjustable, just add extra rows of increase to increase the circumference and a few more regular rows to adjust the height

Summery Infant Mesh Hat

Yarn:  Caron Simply Soft

Hook: 4.25mm

Chain 4 and join to form a ring

  1. CH4 (counts a DC CH1 here and throughout) DC CH1 11 times. SS to the 3rd chain of your beginning CH4 (12 DC and 12 ch spaces)
  2. SS into the next chain space CH4 DC CH1 into the same space. *Skip DC and DC CH1 DC CH1 into next CH1 space. Repeat from * in each CH space around. SS into the 3rd chain of the beginning CH4. (24 DC and CH1 spaces)

3-11    SS into the next chain space CH4 DC CH1 into the same space. *Skip DC and DC                     CH1 into the next CH1 space. Repeat from * in each CH space around. SS into                       the 3rd chain of the beginning CH4. (24 DC and CH1 spaces)

  1. CH2 and LOOSELY HDC in each DC and CH space around. Join with a SS to the top of the beginning CH2.

Note:  For row 12 I went up to a size 5mm hook just to make sure that it kept its stretchy quality.  This hat comes out very small, so it will fit a preemie/newborn head.  If you want to increase the size, the increase rows should look something like this:

SS into the next chain space CH4 DC CH1 into the same space. *Skip DC and DC CH1 into the next CH space. DC CH1 DC CH1 into the next chain space. Repeat from * in each CH space around. SS into the 3rd chain of the beginning CH4.

It is pretty much the same as increasing in other hats, so the increases will work the same, just with a CH1 in between each DC.

If you have any questions, let me know!


Mini Crochet Basket Pattern


I found a pattern that I really liked on Ravelry, but when I clicked on it, I realized you had to pay for the pattern.  I didn’t want to pay $4 for a pattern that I was pretty sure that I could figure out on my own.  I sat down and just started crocheting and I have to say that I am pretty happy with what I came up with!  I made this one for me, but I may make a few up for Mother’s Day.  It came together really quickly, so if you are looking for a pattern that you can give as a gift at the last minute, here is my pattern for the Mini Crochet Basket.

Hook size:  K-6.5mm

Yarn: Red Heart Super Saver (I used scrap yarn, so I don’t know exact colors or yardage)

Stitches: CH-chain

SS-slip stitch

HDC-half double crochet

BL- back loop

HDCDC-half double crochet decrease

Pattern notes:  This pattern is written for beginners.   I have been crocheting for 5 years and I still have trouble keeping track of my rounds when I crochet in the round, so each row begins with a SS and a CH 1, the chain does NOT count as the first stitch.


Using both strands of yarn together, CH 4 and join with a ss

Round 1 – CH 1 and HDC into the ring 12 times.  Join to beginning stitch with a SS and CH 1 do not turn. (12)

Round 2 – 2 HDC in each stitch around join to beginning stitch and CH 1 do not turn. (24)

Round 3 – 2 HDC in the first stitch, *1 HDC in the next stitch, 2 HDC in the next. Repeat from * around. Join to beginning stitch with a SS and CH 1 do not turn. (36)

Round 4 – 1 HDC in the BL only of each stitch around. Join to beginning stitch with a SS and CH 1 do not turn. (36)

Round 5-9 – 1 HDC in both loops in each stitch around. Join to beginning stitch with a SS and CH 1 do not turn. (36)

Round 10 – 1 SC in each stitch around. Fasten off. (36)


 Using both strands of yarn together, CH 4 and join with a ss

Round 1 – CH 1 and HDC into the ring 12 times.  Join to beginning stitch with a SS and CH 1 do not turn. (12)

Round 2 – 2 HDC in each stitch around join to beginning stitch and CH 1 do not turn. (24)

Round 3 – 2 HDC in the first stitch, *1 HDC in the next stitch, 2 HDC in the next. Repeat from * around. Join to beginning stitch with a SS and CH 1 do not turn. (36)

Round 4 – 1 SC in each stitch around. Fasten off. (36)


 Using both strands of yarn together, CH 4 and join with a ss

Round 1 – CH 1 and HDC into the ring 12 times.  Join to beginning stitch with a SS and CH 1 do not turn. (12)

Round 2 – CH 1 do a HDCDC over the first 2 stitches and in each stitch across.  Fasten off. (6)

Sew the handle to the top middle of the lid.

You can also use a wooden button for the handle.  I didn’t happen to have one on hand, so I made my own!

Sew in all your ends and you have a cute little basket that you can keep all kinds of odds and ends in!  I am putting buttons in mine.

The Practice Your Stitches Scarf


My mom wanted me to make her a scarf with the Day Glow Red Heart Super Saver yarn. I looked for a pattern, but couldn’t find one that I really liked. I wanted something that would looked good with the variegated yarn and that would work up quickly. I decided to make my own using four different stitches and realized it would be a good scarf for beginner crocheters to practice their stitches. 


This scarf uses four stitches, single crochet, half double crochet, double crochet and treble (or triple) crochet. It’s very easy and works up quickly. You can use any kind of yarn you would like, I used Day Glow Red Heart Super Saver. I used a 5mm crochet hook, you will use the hook that your yarn reccommends. 

I know when I first started crocheting, the chains at the beginning of the rows threw me off, so in this pattern, the chains DO NOT count as stitches. Your first stitch will be in the same stitch as your chain. 

Ch 26

1. Single crochet in the 2nd chain from the hook (25 stitches)

2. Ch 1 (ch 1 does not count as a stitch here or throughout) and turn hdc in each stitch across

3. Ch 2 and turn Dc in each stitch across

4. Ch 3 and turn tr in each stitch across

5. Ch 1 and turn single crochet in each stitch across

7. Ch 1 and turn hdc in each stitch across

8. Ch 2 and turn Dc in each stitch across

9. Ch 3 and turn tr in each stitch across

Repeat rows 5-9 until you have reached your desired length. 

You should end on a treble crochet row. I went ahead and repeated row 5 (the single crochet row) one more time because I felt like it should end on single crochet ocher since it started on a single crochet row. I had 145 rows. 

If you want to do a fringe, measure out 72 12 in pieces of yarn. Starting on one end of your scarf, fold 3 pieces of yarn in half and, using your hook, pull the yarn through the first stitch making a large enough loop to pull the ends through. Pull tight. Repeat this in every other stitch across. Do this on both ends. 

If you have any questions about stitches, I used you tube to help me learn my stitches. Bobwilson123 is a one of my favorite channels. I used it a lot to help me learn to crochet in the beginning. 

Crochet Fingerless Gloves


There is a lady that I work with who is always cold, she keeps the office 80 degrees or above even in the summer, so i thought I would make some fingerless gloves to help her stay warmer.  I am going to give them to her for Christmas. I have written out instructions for what I did.  It isn’t really a pattern, but if you follow the instructions, you should end up with a nice pair of fingerless gloves.


  1. Dc in 2nd ch from hook and in each stitch across (10 stitches) Chain does not count as stitch here or throughout
  2. Ch 2 and turn dc in the back loop of the same stitch and in each stitch across (10 stitches)
  3. Ch 2 and turn dc in the front
  4. loop of the same stitch and in each stitch across (10 stitches)

4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 repeat row 2

3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 repeat row 3

Join the ends together to make the wristband.

Join with a slip stitch to the top (whichever side you want to) and ch1 (chain does not count as a stitch. DC in same spot.  DC 28 evenly across the top

Ch1 (does not count as a stitch) DC in the same stitch and DC in each stitch across.

4 more rows of 28 dc (5 rows of dc)

This row is a little tricky.  Decide where you want your thumb hole I did mine above the seam where I joined the wristband) and dc to that point.  Ch4 skip 4 stitches and dc around.

4 more rows of dc

Use and accent color and hdc the next row and single crochet the next row.  Fasten off

Flip it around and single crochet in the accent color evenly around the bottom of the wristband.

For the accent color around the top of the wristband, I made a chain and wove it in between the stitches and sewed the ends together on the inside of the glove.

For the bow I used the accent color

ch4 join with the first ch this creates a ring

ch2, 4 dc into the ring 4 times ch2 and ss into the ring

ch2, 4 dc into the ring 4 times ch2 and ss into the ring and fasten off.

wrap the main color of the glove around the middle of your bow and you are done and ready to fasten it on!

I ran out of yarn for my second glove, so I only have a picture of the one, but it looks really nice!!

WIP, what am I making? 


I have a huge stash of yarn that I am trying to reduce before baby girl gets here, so I have been making lots of little dresses, but I am tired of dresses for now. Looking through my yarn, I have quite a bit of brown and I paired real and pink with it to make something new. I searched for a pattern and found something I liked. Here is a sneak peak at it, can you guess what it is?  


Baby L’s First Sunday Morning Dress


I found a dress pattern on YouTube and it was so cute that I had to try it out. It turned out beautifully! I didn’t follow the pattern 100%, the sleeves and bottom of the dress are different and my friend is going to add a little tulle underskirt so it will be very poofy. I made my own flower and the curly cue things because she didn’t leave a pattern for those. If you are interested in the pattern for the flower, just comment here and I will post a pattern. 🙂 I can’t wait to meet this little girl and to dress her up!


Crocheting Again


Finally 3 1/2 months after my son was born I have picked up the hook again! I made a scarf for the woman who watches him. I can’t wait to give it to her, but she has had the shingles so I can’t give it to her until Monday. I really hope she likes it!! My husband picked out the yarn and it turned out pretty nicely. I saw a picture of a granny infinity scarf and I made up a pattern to make a regular scarf.


Stay tuned for a blanket or shawl border pattern. I am working on a shawl right now and I just came up with a border for it. It is going to look do neat! It may be a little while, but I will post it! 🙂

It’s been a while! Pregnancy update.


I haven’t really posted any updates on here in a while. I always forget to post!! I have been kind of busy and if I am not up moving around, I crash. I am currently 39 weeks, exactly one week until my due date! I am thinking that Baby J is going to take his own sweet time coming though. Last Sunday we did our maternity photos at a park. We did a little hiking and I hoped it would help me progress some, but it didn’t do much. I am just about the same as I was last week, 1 cm dilated and 80-90% effaced. He may have dropped a little. Right now it is just a waiting game. We are ready for him to get here. Both Caleb and I are ready to hold him!

We had an amazing shower thrown by my friend Brooke and her mom. The theme was Ready to Pop. It was so unique and nice. So many people told them that it was the best shower they had ever been to. We got so many diapers! We almost didn’t have enough room for them, plus lots of cute clothes toys and lots of blankets!



I didn’t get many pictures of the shower, and the ones I did get weren’t great, but you can kind of see how cute it was!









These are all the gifts and diapers we received from the shower! It filled the entire room!

Here is Baby J’s room after we finished it up.





I made the letters for his wall using wooden letters, yarn, glue and thumb tacks. 🙂 Brooke helped me get the room organized and all set up. It looks great and I can’t wait until he can use it! He will be sleeping in our room to start with. We got a little bassinet to set by the bed.
(Please excuse the messy bed!)

I also made Baby J a breast feeding hat. 🙂




This has been a rough 10 months, but I am so excited to meet our little man. I am also excited to see my husband become a daddy. He is so excited and it makes me happy to see him that way. He gets a huge smile on his face anytime he sees a little boy. He is going to be a great daddy!

Here is me today…I feel so ready, now if only Baby J would get the memo!


Booby Beanie


I have pretty much quit crocheting all together. I am tired all the time and I just can’t get the motivation! I did finally do something tonight. I made a booby beanie. I will be breast feeding my son when he is born and I thought it would be cool to make him one. I found a pattern, but I didn’t like the stitch, so I made this up on my own. I think it turned out pretty well. 🙂

