Tag Archives: baby shower

It’s been a while! Pregnancy update.


I haven’t really posted any updates on here in a while. I always forget to post!! I have been kind of busy and if I am not up moving around, I crash. I am currently 39 weeks, exactly one week until my due date! I am thinking that Baby J is going to take his own sweet time coming though. Last Sunday we did our maternity photos at a park. We did a little hiking and I hoped it would help me progress some, but it didn’t do much. I am just about the same as I was last week, 1 cm dilated and 80-90% effaced. He may have dropped a little. Right now it is just a waiting game. We are ready for him to get here. Both Caleb and I are ready to hold him!

We had an amazing shower thrown by my friend Brooke and her mom. The theme was Ready to Pop. It was so unique and nice. So many people told them that it was the best shower they had ever been to. We got so many diapers! We almost didn’t have enough room for them, plus lots of cute clothes toys and lots of blankets!



I didn’t get many pictures of the shower, and the ones I did get weren’t great, but you can kind of see how cute it was!









These are all the gifts and diapers we received from the shower! It filled the entire room!

Here is Baby J’s room after we finished it up.





I made the letters for his wall using wooden letters, yarn, glue and thumb tacks. 🙂 Brooke helped me get the room organized and all set up. It looks great and I can’t wait until he can use it! He will be sleeping in our room to start with. We got a little bassinet to set by the bed.
(Please excuse the messy bed!)

I also made Baby J a breast feeding hat. 🙂




This has been a rough 10 months, but I am so excited to meet our little man. I am also excited to see my husband become a daddy. He is so excited and it makes me happy to see him that way. He gets a huge smile on his face anytime he sees a little boy. He is going to be a great daddy!

Here is me today…I feel so ready, now if only Baby J would get the memo!


A Matching set


I worked on a headband to match the dress in the previous post. Then I had so much yarn and ribbon left that I decided to make another dress. I think it turned out really cute!!


I love the back of this dress, but I am not entirely sure about the front. What do you think?

I really need better lighting to take my pictures. I think the dresses are pretty cute.

I had a request for the pattern of the first dress, so when I have time I am going to sit down and try to write out the pattern. If you are interested in any of my patterns let me know. Much of what I make is my own pattern so I will just have to sit down and writ them out. 🙂