Tag Archives: smoked sausage

Kayla- Hubby’s Birthday Dinner-recipe


Ok so I found this recipe on Pintrest. I thought it would be a good one to try for my husband’s birthday because he likes smoked sausage. It is in the oven right now. I thought It wasn’t to hard, but as I was rereading the recipe (after I put it in the oven) I realized I missed a step. It wasn’t in the instructions list, it was on the ingredient list. I missed that the potatoes were supposed to be precook end. 😦 hopefully it turns out! Anyway here is what I did.

I used 4 small potatoes, I didn’t really measure it, but I think it was pretty close to what the recipe called for. Then I put them in the 2 qt casserole dish.

I used 1 package of 14 oz Eckrich smoked sausage.

20121029-183818.jpg I cooked the sausage for about 15 minutes.

Then I added it to the potatoes.

Mix all the ingredients and put them on the stove stirring constantly and the poured it over the potatoes and the sausage.

Like this.

Add the cheese and put it in the oven for 35-45 minutes.

It’s that easy. I am still waiting for it to finish cooking, so I will let you know how it turned out. 🙂

Update: the potatoes aren’t too bad. They may need to be slightly cooked beforehand, but overall it is very good.