Crochet Presents, Brayden’s birthday and MyTangiblePeace


I made a dress for my friend Sasha’s baby, Ember, during the summer and gave it to her at her baby shower. It finally fits!



She doesn’t look too happy, but it looks so cute on her! She is a beautiful baby!

Brayden’s 1st birthday is coming up. We are going to release balloons with a card attached to it. My hope is that when it comes down, someone will pick the card up and read about Brayden, and learn a little about Anencephaly. That by reading Brayden’s story, someone learns about Anencephaly and starts taking Folic acid and prevents a NTD. Or that someone finds the card who has experienced this and feels alone, that they know they are not. I know I have high expectations of something as simple as releasing balloons, but I think that if someone is meant to see it that God will lead them to it. I don’t know where these cards will end up or who will read them or what impact they will have, I likely never will, but if it helps just one person, I will be happy.

This is the card we are attaching to the ballon. I came up with it, but Julie, a mom I met through Brayden, printed them out and laminated them for me. I don’t know if she realizes how much this means to me and my family.

Jenn from My Tangible Peace sculpts little miniatures of babies for families who have lost babies due to miscarriage, or NTDs like Brayden or other reasons. She sent me one and it is absolutely beautiful!


I don’t know if you can see very well, but he even has hair!


3 responses »

  1. I love that dress – you are so talented! I love the little Brayden baby – she is so good and I love the hair and she matched it to his pictures! Like I have said before and I will say again – when I “grow up” I hope that I can crochet one day as good as you do. You do so many good things for the “babies” and their families!

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